
Set subscript(index: Int) in the class to index the data of the instance of the this class.

April 10, 2022


The closures can cantains something by the curly bracket.

April 2, 2022


Call the function(method) to do something detail.

April 2, 2022

Control Flow

loop, condition branch, control transfer.

March 28, 2022

Collection Type

The array, set, and dictionary.

March 28, 2022

Strings and Characters

String type is bridged with Foundation’s NSString. Foundation extends String to expose methods defines by NSString. If import Foundation, you can access those NSString methods on String without casting. String Literals // "Hello World!" is a String literal. let sentence = "Hello World!" // Multiline let story = """ There are some people in the room. They are having a party. Because today is the Christmas. """ // every line has the line breaks....

March 20, 2022

Basic Operators

Basic usage of the operators.

March 19, 2022


Basic usage of the swift syntax.

March 12, 2022