
Creational Object Created Pattern Factory Method Provide the method for creating an instance in the superclass, and allow the subclass to choose the type of the instance. 在父类中提供创建对象的方法,允许子类决定实例化对象的类型。 具备的部分:生产者协议、产品协议,往后就可以根据需要来扩展每一种产品。 具体的生产者比如 MongoCakeCreator 的存在是为了实现与产品相关的核心业务逻辑,而不仅仅是创建 MongoCake 实例。工厂方法将核心业务逻辑从具体产品类中分离出来。 // Creator protocol CakeCreator { func createCake() -> Cake func doSomethingForCake(cake: Cake) -> Cake } // Product protocol Cake { func doWork() } // ConcreteCreator class MongoCakeCreator: CakeCreator { var cake: MongoCake? func createCake() -> Cake { var cake = MongoCake() doSomethingForCake(cake: cake) return cake } func doSomethingForCake(cake: Cake) -> Cake{ cake....

July 11, 2022